EC8451 Question Bank Electromagnetic Fields Regulation 2017 Anna University

EC8451 Question Bank Electromagnetic Fields

EC8451 Question Bank Electromagnetic Fields Regulation 2017 Anna University free download. Electromagnetic Fields Question Bank EC8451 pdf free download.

Sample EC8451 Question Bank Electromagnetic Fields

Obtain the expressions for differential area and volume element in
cylindrical coordinate system. (13)

7. Analyze the geometrical position of the point in Cartesian coordinate
system and obtain the algebraic equations. (13)

8. Express the space rate of change of a scalar in a given direction in terms of
its gradient. (13)

9. Apply divergence theorem to find the divergence of the vector field in
curvilinear coordinate system. (13) EC8451 Question Bank Electromagnetic Fields

10. State and prove divergence theorem for a given differential volume
element. (13)

11. Assess the position of the vector field in spherical coordinate system and
derive the expressions for differential areas. (13)

12. Explain the difference between irrotational and solenoidal field using
Helmholtz theorem. (13)

13. (i)Verify the null identities using general orthogonal curvilinear
coordinates. (7) EC8451 Question Bank Electromagnetic Fields
(ii) How do you transform the vectors between Cartesian and cylindrical
systems? (6)

14. Elaborate the Stokes theorem with their applications.

(i) List out the properties of dielectric materials. (3)
(ii) Brief note on conductors and dielectrics in a static electric field. (10)

2. Derive the boundary conditions of the normal and tangential components of
electric field at the interface of two media with different dielectrics. EC8451 Question Bank Electromagnetic Fields

3. Obtain a formula for the electric field intensity on the axis of a circular disc
of radius b and carries uniform charge density ρs.

Formulate the energy required to assemble a uniform sphere of charge
with radius b and volume charge density ρ C/m3. (15)

4. Determine the E field both inside and outside a spherical cloud of electrons
with a uniform volume charge density ρ = – ρ0 for 0 ≤ R ≤ b and ρ =0 for
R>b by solving laplace and poisons equations for V.

Subject nameElectromagnetic Fields
Subject CodeEC8451
Regulation2017 regulation

EC8451 Electromagnetic Fields Question Bank Click Here To Download

EC8451 Syllabus Electromagnetic Fields

EC8451 Notes Electromagnetic Fields

EC8451 Important Questions Electromagnetic Fields


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