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EC8451 Question Bank Electromagnetic Fields Regulation 2017 Anna University

EC8451 Question Bank Electromagnetic Fields EC8451 Question Bank Electromagnetic Fields Regulation 2017 Anna University free download. Electromagnetic Fields Question Bank EC8451 pdf free download. Sample EC8451 Question Bank Electromagnetic Fields Obtain the expressions for differential area and volume element in cylindrical coordinate system. (13) 7. Analyze the geometrical position of the point in Cartesian coordinate system and obtain the algebraic equations. (13) 8. Express the space rate of change of a scalar in a given direction in terms of its gradient. (13) 9. Apply divergence theorem to find the divergence of the vector field in curvilinear coordinate system. (13) EC8451 Question Bank Electromagnetic Fields 10. State and prove divergence theorem for a given differential volume element. (13) 11. Assess the position of the vector field in spherical coordinate system and derive the expressions for differential areas. (13) 12. Explain the difference between irrotational and solen

EC8451 Important questions Electromagnetic Fields Regulation 2017 Anna University

EC8451 Important questions Electromagnetic Fields EC8451 Important questions Electromagnetic Fields Regulation 2017 Anna University free download. Electromagnetic Fields Important questions EC8451 pdf free download. Sample EC8451 Important questions Electromagnetic Fields 1. List the source quantities in the electromagnetic model. 2. Describe line, surface and volume charge density. 3. State divergence theorem. 4. Define Stokes theorem.  EC8451 Important questions Electromagnetic Fields 5. Name the universal constants in the electromagnetic model. 6. What are surface and volume integrals? 7. Give the relationship between potential and electric field intensity. 8. Identify the unit vector and its magnitude corresponding to the given vector A=5 âx + ây + 3 âz.  EC8451 Important questions Electromagnetic Fields 9. Estimate the distance between the given vectors A (1, 2,3) and B (2,1,2). 10. Outline the relationship between magnetic flux density and field density. 11. Calculate the values

EC8451 Notes Electromagnetic Fields Regulation 2017 Anna University

EC8451 Notes Electromagnetic Fields EC8451 Notes Electromagnetic Fields Regulation 2017 Anna University free download. Electromagnetic Fields Notes EC8451 pdf free download. OBJECTIVES: EC8451 Notes Electromagnetic Fields  To gain conceptual and basic mathematical understanding of electric and magnetic fields in free space and in materials  To understand the coupling between electric and magnetic fields through Faraday’s law, displacement current and Maxwell’s equations  To understand wave propagation in lossless and in lossy media  To be able to solve problems based on the above concepts OUTCOMES: EC8451 Notes Electromagnetic Fields By the end of this course, the student should be able to:  Display an understanding of fundamental electromagnetic laws and concepts  Write Maxwell’s equations in integral, differential and phasor forms and explain their physical meaning  Explain electromagnetic wave propagation in lossy and in lossless media  Solve simple problems requiring estima

EC8451 Syllabus Electromagnetic Fields Regulation 2017 Anna University

EC8451 Syllabus Electromagnetic Fields EC8451 Syllabus Electromagnetic Fields Regulation 2017 Anna University free download. Electromagnetic Fields Syllabus EC8451 pdf free download. UNIT I INTRODUCTION 12 EC8451 Syllabus Electromagnetic Fields Electromagnetic model, Units and constants, Review of vector algebra, Rectangular, cylindrical and spherical coordinate systems, Line, surface and volume integrals, Gradient of a scalar field, Divergence of a vector field, Divergence theorem, Curl of a vector field, Stoke’s theorem, Null identities, Helmholtz’s theorem UNIT II ELECTROSTATICS 12 EC8451 Syllabus Electromagnetic Fields Electric field, Coulomb’s law, Gauss’s law and applications, Electric potential, Conductors in static electric field, Dielectrics in static electric field, Electric flux density and dielectric constant, Boundary conditions, Capacitance, Parallel, cylindrical and spherical capacitors, Electrostatic energy, Poisson’s and Laplace’s equations, Uniqueness of electrostatic

EC8491 Question Bank Communication Theory Regulation 2017 Anna University

EC8491 Question Bank Communication Theory EC8491 Question Bank Communication Theory Regulation 2017 Anna University free download. Communication Theory Question Bank EC8491 pdf free download. Sample EC8491 Question Bank  Communication Theory (i) Outline the function of switching modulator in the generation of AM signal. (7) (ii) The tuned circuit of the oscillator in a simple AM transmitter employs a 40μH coil and 12nF capacitor. If the oscillator output is modulated by audio frequency of 5KHz, what are the lower and upper sideband frequencies and the bandwidth required.  EC8491 Question Bank Communication Theory (i) Demonstrate the concepts of envelope detection for demodulation of AM and explain its operation. (7) (ii)Illustrate non coherent tuned radio frequency receiver. Give main idea about super heterodyne receiver with neat block diagram and explain the various parameters. (13) Identify the need for carrier suppression in AM system?  EC8491 Question Bank Communication Theory Dra

EC8491 Important Questions Communication Theory Regulation 2017 Anna University

EC8491 Important Questions Communication Theory EC8491 Important Questions  Communication Theory Regulation 2017 Anna University free download. Communication Theory Important Questions EC8491 pdf free download. Sample EC8491 Important Questions  Communication Theory 1. What is pre envelope and complex envelope? 2. Give the advantages of VSB-AM. 3. State heterodyning principle.   EC8491 Important Questions  Communication Theory Mention the advantages of modulating low frequency signal into high frequency signal. 5. List the types of AM modulators. 6. Define Coherent Detection. 7. Why do you need modulation in communication systems? 8. Identify the differences between single sideband and vestigial sideband systems.  EC8491 Important Questions  Communication Theory 9. Write about diagonal clipping and negative peak clipping? Suggest a modulation scheme for broadcast video transmission. Apply the concepts of sensitivity and selectivity in AM receiver.  EC8491 IQ Communication Theory Draw t

EC8491 Notes Communication Theory Regulation 2017 Anna University

EC8491 Notes Communication Theory EC8491 Notes Communication Theory Regulation 2017 Anna University free download. Communication Theory Notes EC8491 pdf free download. OUTCOMES: EC8491 Notes Communication Theory At the end of the course, the student should be able to:  Design AM communication systems  Design Angle modulated communication systems  Apply the concepts of Random Process to the design of Communication systems  Analyze the noise performance of AM and FM systems  Gain knowledge in sampling and quantization OBJECTIVES: EC8491 Notes Communication Theory  To introduce the concepts of various analog modulations and their spectral characteristics  To understand the properties of random process  To know the effect of noise on communication systems  To study the limits set by Information Theory TEXT BOOKS: EC8491 Notes Communication Theory 1. J.G.Proakis, M.Salehi, ―Fundamentals of Communication Systems‖, Pearson Education 2014. (UNIT I-IV) 2. Simon Haykin, ―Communication

EC8491 Syllabus Communication Theory Regulation 2017 Anna University

EC8491 Syllabus Communication Theory EC8491 Syllabus Communication Theory Regulation 2017 Anna University free download. Communication Theory Syllabus EC8491 pdf free download. UNIT I AMPLITUDE MODULATION 9 EC8491 Syllabus Communication Theory Amplitude Modulation- DSBSC, DSBFC, SSB, VSB – Modulation index, Spectra, Power relations and Bandwidth – AM Generation – Square law and Switching modulator, DSBSC Generation – Balanced and Ring Modulator, SSB Generation – Filter, Phase Shift and Third Methods, VSB Generation – Filter Method, Hilbert Transform, Pre-envelope & complex envelope –comparison of different AM techniques, Superheterodyne Receiver UNIT II ANGLE MODULATION 9 EC8491 Syllabus Communication Theory Phase and frequency modulation, Narrow Band and Wide band FM – Modulation index, Spectra, Power relations and Transmission Bandwidth – FM modulation –Direct and Indirect methods, FM Demodulation – FM to AM conversion, FM Discriminator – PLL as FM Demodulator. UNIT III RANDOM PR

EC8452 Question Bank Electronic Circuits 2 Regulation 2017 Anna University

EC8452 Question Bank Electronic Circuits 2 EC8452 Question Bank Electronic Circuits 2 Regulation 2017 Anna University free download. Electronic Circuits 2 Question Bank EC8452 pdf free download. Sample EC8452 Question Bank Electronic Circuits 2 1. Write a brief note on expressions for gain with positive and negative feedback. (13) 2. List the effects of negative feedback on stability, distortion, noise, input and output impedance of a feedback amplifier. (13) 3. (i) Identify the effect of negative feedback on the bandwidth and harmonic distortion of an amplifier. (7) (ii) A negative feedback amplifier has an open loop gain of 60000 and a closed loop gain of 300. If the open loop upper cut off frequency is 15KHz, Choose the closed loop upper cutoff frequency. Also, calculate the total harmonic distortion with feedback if there is 10% harmonic distortion without feedback. (6)  EC8452 Question Bank Electronic Circuits 2 4. (i) A voltage-series negative feedback amplifier has a voltage gai

EC8452 Important Questions Electronic Circuits 2 Regulation 2017 Anna University

EC8452 Important Questions Electronic Circuits 2 EC8452 Important Questions Electronic Circuits 2 Regulation 2017 Anna University free download. Electronic Circuits 2 Important Questions EC8452 pdf free download. Sample EC8452 Important Questions Electronic Circuits 2 1. Define positive and negative feedback. 2. List the effect of negative feedback on the noise and bandwidth of an amplifier. 3. State sensitivity and de-sensitivity of gain in feedback amplifiers. 4. A negative feedback amplifier has a bandwidth of 250 KHz and desensitivity factor of 4. What is the bandwidth of the basic amplifier without feedback? 5. Tabulate the input and output resistances of a negative feedback amplifier. EC8452 Important Questions Electronic Circuits 2 6. Draw the magnitude and phase angle plot of three stage amplifier. 7. Outline the loop gain or return ratio of feedback amplifier. 8. Discuss the advantages of negative feedback in amplifiers. 9. Express the reason for negative feedback which increa

EC8452 Notes Electronic Circuits 2 Regulation 2017 Anna University

EC8452 Notes Electronic Circuits 2 EC8452 Notes Electronic Circuits 2 Regulation 2017 Anna University free download. Electronic Circuits 2 Notes EC8452 pdf free download. OUTCOMES: EC8452 Notes Electronic Circuits 2 Upon completion of the course, the student should be able to:  Analyze different types of amplifier, oscillator and multivibrator circuits  Design BJT amplifier and oscillator circuits  Analyze transistorized amplifier and oscillator circuits  Design and analyze feedback amplifiers  Design LC and RC oscillators, tuned amplifiers, wave shaping circuits, multivibrators, power amplifier and DC convertors. TEXT BOOKS: EC8452 Electronic Circuits 2 Sedra and Smith, ―Micro Electronic Circuits‖; Sixth Edition, Oxford University Press, 2011. (UNIT I, III,IV,V) Jacob Millman, ‗Microelectronics‘, McGraw Hill, 2nd Edition, Reprinted, 2009. (UNIT I,II,IV,V) REFERENCES: EC8452 Notes Electronic Circuits 2 Robert L. Boylestad and Louis Nasheresky, ―Electronic Devices and Circuit Theor

EC8452 Syllabus Electronic Circuits 2 Regulation 2017 Anna University

EC8452 Syllabus Electronic Circuits 2 EC8452 Syllabus Electronic Circuits 2 Regulation 2017 Anna University free download. Electronic Circuits 2 Syllabus EC8452 pdf free download. OBJECTIVES: EC8452 Syllabus Electronic Circuits 2  To give a comprehensive exposure to all types of amplifiers and oscillators constructed with discrete components. This helps to develop a strong basis for building linear and digital integrated circuits  To study about feedback amplifiers and oscillators principles  To design oscillators.  To study about turned amplifier.  To understand the analysis and design of LC and RC oscillators, amplifiers, multi vibrators, power amplifiers and DC convertors. UNIT I FEEDBACK AMPLIFIERS AND STABILITY 9 EC8452 Syllabus Electronic Circuits 2 Feedback Concepts – gain with feedback – effect of feedback on gain stability, distortion, bandwidth, input and output impedances; topologies of feedback amplifiers – analysis of series-series, shunt-shunt and shunt-series feedba

MA8451 Question Bank Probability and Random Processes Regulation 2017 Anna University

MA8451 Question Bank Probability and Random Processes MA8451 Question Bank Probability and Random Processes Regulation 2017 Anna University free download. Probability and Random Processes Question Bank MA8451 pdf free download. Short Name PRP Sample MA8451 Question Bank Probability and Random Processes A bolt is manufactured by 3 machines A, B, and C. A turns out twice as many items as B and machines B and C produce equal number of items. 2% of bolts produced by A and B are defective and 4% of bolts produced by C are defective. All bolts are put into 1 stock pile and 1 is chosen from this pile. What is the probability that it is defective? Find the moment generating function of a geometric random variable. Also find its mean..  MA8451 Question Bank Probability and Random Processes The probability distribution of an infinite discrete distribution is given by P[ X = j ] = 1 2𝑗 ( j = 1,2,3…) Find (1)Mean of X, (2)P [X is even],(3) P(X is odd) Find the MGF of Poisson distribution and henc

MA8451 Important Questions Probability and Random Processes Regulation 2017 Anna University

MA8451 Important Questions Probability and Random Processes MA8451 Important Questions Probability and Random Processes Regulation 2017 Anna University free download. Probability and Random Processes Important Questions MA8451 pdf free download. Short Name PRP Sample MA8451 Important Questions Probability and Random Processes If the probability density function of a random variable X is f(x) = ¼ in – 2 < x < 2 find P(|𝑥| > 1) If X is a geometric variate, taking values 1,2,3…..∞, 𝑓𝑖𝑛𝑑 𝑃(𝑋 𝑖𝑠 𝑜𝑑𝑑) State the memory less property of the exponential distribution.  MA8451 Important Questions Probability and Random Processes The mean and variance of binomial distribution are 5 and 4 Find the distribution of X. The mean of Binomial distribution is 20 and standard deviation is 4. Find the parameters of the distribution. If the events A and B are independent then show that 𝐴̅ and 𝐵 ̅ are independent. Find the Moment generating function of a continuous random variable   MA8

MA8451 Notes Probability and Random Processes Regulation 2017 Anna University

MA8451 Notes Probability and Random Processes MA8451 Notes Probability and Random Processes Regulation 2017 Anna University free download. Probability and Random Processes Notes MA8451 pdf free download. Short Name PRP OUTCOMES: MA8451 Notes Probability and Random Processes Upon successful completion of the course, students should be able to:  Understand the fundamental knowledge of the concepts of probability and have knowledge of standard distributions which can describe real life phenomenon.  Understand the basic concepts of one and two dimensional random variables and apply in engineering applications.  Apply the concept random processes in engineering disciplines.  Understand and apply the concept of correlation and spectral densities.  The students will have an exposure of various distribution functions and help in acquiring skills in handling situations involving more than one variable. Able to analyze the response of random inputs to linear time invariant systems. TEXT BOO

MA8451 Syllabus Probability and Random Processes Regulation 2017 Anna University free download

MA8451 Syllabus Probability and Random Processes MA8451 Syllabus Probability and Random Processes Regulation 2017 Anna University free download. Probability and Random Processes Syllabus MA8451 pdf free download. Short Name PRP. OBJECTIVES :  To provide necessary basic concepts in probability and random processes for applications such as random signals, linear systems in communication engineering.  To understand the basic concepts of probability, one and two dimensional random variables and to introduce some standard distributions applicable to engineering which can describe real life phenomenon.  To understand the basic concepts of random processes which are widely used in IT fields.  To understand the concept of correlation and spectral densities.  To understand the significance of linear systems with random inputs. UNIT I PROBABILITY AND RANDOM VARIABLES 12 MA8451 Syllabus Probability and Random Processes Probability – Axioms of probability – Conditional probability – Baye‘s th