
Showing posts from January, 2018

Basic techniques of plant tissue culture

Basic techniques of plant tissue culture Basic techniques of plant tissue culture Techniques of plant tissue culture Techniques of plant tissue culture are listed below:- 1. Culture vessels The culture vessels used for plant tissue studies includes Erylenmayer flask (conical flask), petri plates and culture tubes (25 x 150mm). 2. Culture medium The important media used for all purpose experiment are Murashige and Skoog medium (MS medium), Gamborg medium (B5 medium), White medium (W medium) and Nitsch medium. The culture medium is closed with cotton plug/ or aluminium foil sheet. The pH of the medium is adjusted to 5.8 (acidic range). 3. Sterilization Sterilization is the technique employed to get rid of the microbes such as bacteria and fungi in the culture medium and plant tissues. So, it is important to sterilize the culture medium and plant tissue. The culture medium can be sterilised by keeping it in an autoclave and maintaining the temperature of 121’C for 15 minutes. The plant ti

Structure of DNA and Function of DNA

Structure of DNA Structure of DNA DNA and RNA are identified in the nucleus. They are complex macro molecules and made up of millions of smaller units called nucleotides. Hence, DNA is a macromolecular substance with double stranded polynucleotide. Each nucleotide is made up of pentose sugar, a phosphate group and a nitrogenous base. Ribose is the constituent sugar in RNA and Deoxyribose in DNA. The nitrogenous bases are of two kinds – purines and pyrimidines. Adenine and guanine are the purines and thymine and cytosine are pyrimidines. The nitrogenous bases found in DNA are adenine, guanine, cytosine and thymine, whereas in RNA thymine is replaced by uracil. The sub-unit containing only sugar and nitrogenous base is known as nucleoside. A nucleoside combines with phosphate to form a nucleotide. Thus, four kinds of nucleotides are seen in DNA molecule. They are adenine nucleotide, guanine nucleotide, thymine nucleotide and cytosine nucleotide. Hence, nucleotides are building blocks of

Botanical description of Hibiscus rosa sinensis

Botanical description of Hibiscus rosa sinensis Hibiscus rosa sinensis Botanical description of Hibiscus rosa sinensis Hibiscus rosa sinensis General Characters Habit Perennial shrub. Root Tap root system. Stem Aerial, erect, cylindrical, woody and branched. Leaf Simple, Alternate, petiolate, stipulate, serrate, glabrous, apex acuminate with multicostate reticulate venation. Inflorescence Solitary cyme and axillary. Flower Pedicel jointed, bracteate, bracteolate, bisexual, large, showy, pentamerous, dichlamydeous, actinomorphic, complete and hypogynous and mucilage is present in floral parts. Epicalyx 5 to 8 bracteoles outer to the calyx. They are green and free. Calyx Sepals 5, green, gamosepalous showing valvate aestivation and odd sepal is posterior in position. Corolla Petals 5, variously coloured, polypetalous but fused at the base and showing twisted aestivation. Androecium Numerous stamens, monadelphous, filaments are fused to form a staminal tube around the style. Staminal tube